A few weeks ago I (Kyla Kiburis) had an opportunity to hear 3 of my favorite educational guru’s speak: Todd Whitaker, Jeffrey Zoul and Jimmy Casas. I have read several of their books and I was excited to hear them in person. It was an awesome day, they were so engaging I was surprised when they announced it was lunchtime (for those of you that know me...that really says something!) The day was so full of great information, I have actually had a hard time deciding what my biggest takeaway was, so I have narrowed it down to one nugget from each speaker: Jeffery Zoul talked about the importance of growing each day. Making sure that you have a personal learning network. It made me wonder, what kind of PLNs do our teachers have? What is my PLN? AND...how can I expand that? Twitter is a great platform for learning and I am working on becoming a more proficient twitter user. I need to set a goal to actually jump in and take the risk to tackle Twitter. ...