Greek Interdisciplinary Unit

As a model teacher,  I wanted to encourage our JH teachers to participate in an Interdisciplinary unit.  We used these with great success when we were a MS.  Interdisciplinary units help to keep the students engaged as well as to see how the content works together and is not isolated.

On Friday, Feb. 16th, the 7th graders took part in our culminating activities for our Greek Unit (just in time for the olympics!).  In 7th grade math we used our ratio and proportion skills to make Math Proportion gods.  This took the students nearly a week to perform the task.  On Friday, the classmates voted on the best Math god to determine gold, silver and bronze places.  To be honest, all of the Math gods turned out great as the 7th graders worked really hard on them an followed the directions carefully.  

In Science, the students learned about  the Greek Scientist Archimedes Principle (Buoyancy). The students then had 15 minutes to design a tin foil boat that would float with the goal to design a boat that would hold the most weight.  Places were found for gold, silver, and bronze!  The winning boat held over 400 grams.

In English, the students worked for over 1 week on learning about Greek theatre style of comedies and tragedies.   They then wrote and produced their own modern-day versions of these plays.  On Friday, some of these play were shared.

Finally,   the students participated in a couple of “Olympic Events” where they were doing physical activities to compete as teams and also as individuals.

My perception is the students learned a lot and enjoyed participating in the lessons which lead to our culminating afternoon of work.  One student stated, “That was great! We should do something like that every month.”  Student engagement, enthusiasm, and learning!  Isn't it great?!!?!?!

Playing the game.
Teachers dressed in togas.
Winners of the math proportion god contest.
Winners of the boat contest.
Testing out the boats!



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