
Showing posts from February, 2018

Greek Interdisciplinary Unit

As a model teacher,  I wanted to encourage our JH teachers to participate in an Interdisciplinary unit.  We used these with great success when we were a MS.  Interdisciplinary units help to keep the students engaged as well as to see how the content works together and is not isolated. On Friday, Feb. 16th, the 7th graders took part in our culminating activities for our Greek Unit (just in time for the olympics!).  In 7th grade math we used our ratio and proportion skills to make Math Proportion gods.  This took the students nearly a week to perform the task.  On Friday, the classmates voted on the best Math god to determine gold, silver and bronze places.  To be honest, all of the Math gods turned out great as the 7th graders worked really hard on them an followed the directions carefully.   In Science, the students learned about  the Greek Scientist Archimedes Principle (Buoyancy). The students then had 15 minutes to design a tin foil...


Co teaching. Let us tell you about it. This year we started out slow. We weren’t really sure what to do, where to go, or what it should look like. Our first step was dividing kids into groups in math and reading. We had to figure out scheduling groups to maximize the impact we could make on their learning. We also had to decide how lessons would be presented and by whom. Eventually mini lessons came to be shared but began with Ashley doing them. Planning time was used to discuss students and their needs. Areas where we felt they needed the most focus and intervention was our focus. Ashley feels that she knows her students better this year due to the opportunity to work with them in small groups. Diane is able to see her students as compared to their peers in the gen ed setting which was not always possible prior to this year. Co teaching has been a learning experience for both of us. We are able to meet and discuss student needs daily and immediately intervene where ...


Welcome to the Gladbrook-Reinbeck's TLC Blog!  The TLC leaders at Gladbrook-Reinbeck will be posting about the exciting changes happening in the district.  We are building the capacity of teachers and preparing students for their futures.  We hope you enjoy the GR TLC Blog!