Takeaways from the ICTM Annual Math Conference
This week, I (Kyla Kiburis) attended the ICTM Annual Math Conference and I wanted to share my 2 favorite takeaways from the day. I went to a session called, “Creating Classroom Discussions that Matter” by Jeremiah McGraw. He gave us two great examples that we could use right away (that is my favorite type of break out session). First, he introduced me to the “Three Act Math Format” created by Dan Meyer. It reminded me of the guided inquiry that the new science and social studies standards focus on. The first act has an engaging and perplexing question. This can be a picture or video. Act two is information and solution seeking and act three is the when the solution is revealed. I loved this format because it seemed to be something that all teachers could incorporate and it reminded me of Buddy Barry’s surprise and delight ideas. Jeremiah actually walked us through a Three Act problem and I am excited to use it with our staff!
Jeremiah also shared his best “Talk Moves” that he uses to support the discussions in his classroom. He stated that “Talk Moves” are a great way to take the teacher out of the discussion. I loved that because it backed up one of my favorite quotes…”The one doing the talking is doing the learning”. He also pointed out that it is ok to just give kids the answer sometimes, it isn’t the answer that you should worry about, but the questions you ask ABOUT the answer. It’s all about the discussion. I think our Everyday Math Curriculum is really helping our students learn how to talk about math and I am excited to share my hand-out to support our classroom discussions in all areas.
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